National Organising Committee
Dr John Fitzsimons
Consultant Paediatrician with Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street and Clinical Director for Quality Improvement (QI) with the HSE’s National Quality & Patient Safety Directorate
Maureen Nolan
Patients for Patient Safety Ireland Group (PFPSI - under the World Health Organisation
Peter Lachman
Lead Faculty Quality Improvement Programme Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Siobhán Corrigan
Director of the Cert/Diploma/MSc in Managing Risk and System Change and Assistant Director of the Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS)
Veronica Hanlon
Educationalist, National Quality & Patient Safety Directorate, HSE
Marie E. Ward
Embedded HFE Researcher Practitioner and Adj Asst Prof St James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Allan P. Goodman
Paediatric intensive care specialist, Chief Medical Officer at Children’s Health Ireland
Prof. Eva Doherty
Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI)
Dr. Tamasine Grimes
Associate Professor in the Practice of Pharmacy and Associate Director of Patient and Public Involvement at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, and Practising Pharmacist
Dr. Angela O’Dea
Course co-director for the Masters in Simulation at the Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation (ICAPSS), University of Galway
Ms. Paula Hicks
Head of Operations, Business and Finance (CIHS)
Mr. Rory Carrick
Administrative Director, Programme Recruitment, Marketing and Online Learning (CIHS)
Liam Chadwick
Co-founder of 1Unit. Won the IHI/BMJ International Forum for Quality & Safety in Healthcare Patient Service Award for improving ward rounds. Collaborator and supervisor at the Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation in University of Galway.
About HEPS
HEPS, the triennial conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety, provides an international platform for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experiences between the disciplines of Human Factors/Ergonomics and of Medicine and Health. HEPS conferences are endorsed by the International Ergonomics Association and governed by its Technical Committee Healthcare Ergonomics. The HEPS 2025 conference "Safer Better Healthcare By All For All", will take place in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Our History:
Florence, Italy
Human Factor: a bridge between care and cure
Strasbourg, France
Creating and designing the healthcare experience
Oviedo, Spain
An alliance between professionals and citizens for patient safety and quality of life: Healthcare systems ergonomics for hospitals and communities
Taipei, Taiwan
Bridging research and good practices towards patients welfare
Toulouse, France
Healthcare and society: new challenges, new opportunitiescure
Lisbon, Portugal
Building health and social care systems for the future: demographic changes, digital age and human factors
Delft, The Netherlands
Convergence: breaking down barriers between disciplines
Dublin, Ireland
Safer Better Healthcare By All For All